FTIR Analysis Techniques

Unveiling Material Composition with Advanced FTIR Analysis Techniques


Understanding the molecular structure of materials is essential in various industries, from polymers to pharmaceuticals. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a critical tool for achieving this understanding. At Kiyo R&D Center, we leverage FTIR analysis to provide deep insights into material composition and properties.

What is FTIR Analysis?

FTIR analysis involves measuring how infrared light interacts with a material to produce a unique spectrum, which serves as a molecular fingerprint. This fingerprint helps identify the chemical bonds and structures within the sample, providing detailed information about its composition.

How Does FTIR Work?

The technique works by passing infrared light through a sample and detecting the wavelengths that are absorbed. The resulting spectrum displays the absorbance or transmittance at each wavelength, which can be compared to reference spectra to identify the materials present.

Applications of FTIR Analysis

  1. Polymer Identification: FTIR is used to analyze polymers, ensuring they meet specific requirements and aiding in the development of new materials.
  2. Contaminant Detection: Identifying contaminants is crucial for maintaining product quality and safety.
  3. Surface Analysis: FTIR provides insights into surface treatments and coatings, enhancing material performance.
  4. Pharmaceutical Quality Control: Ensuring the consistency and purity of pharmaceutical products is another vital application.

Advantages of FTIR Analysis at Kiyo R&D Center

Our advanced FTIR equipment and skilled scientists at Kiyo R&D Center deliver precise and reliable results, offering several benefits:

  • Non-Destructive Testing: FTIR is non-destructive, preserving samples for further analysis.
  • Fast Turnaround: The technique provides rapid results, essential for timely decision-making.
  • Versatility: Capable of analyzing a variety of materials, including solids, liquids, and gases.


FTIR analysis is a fundamental tool in materials science, providing crucial insights into material composition. Kiyo R&D Center uses this technique to deliver high-quality results that drive innovation and ensure material performance. Our commitment to excellence makes us a leader in materials testing.

FTIR Analysis Techniques


1. What are the applications of FTIR analysis?

FTIR analysis is used for polymer identification, contaminant detection, surface and coating analysis, pharmaceutical quality control, and more. It is crucial for ensuring material quality and performance.

2. What are the advantages of FTIR analysis at Kiyo R&D Center?

Kiyo R&D Center offers advanced FTIR equipment and skilled scientists, providing non-destructive testing, rapid results, and the ability to analyze diverse materials. Our precise and reliable results drive innovation and ensure high standards.

3. Is FTIR analysis destructive to the sample?

No, FTIR analysis is a non-destructive technique, meaning the sample remains intact and can be preserved for further testing if needed.